Lighting for Logistics

Lighting for Logistics

The lighting of Delamode Baltics was designed with every possible detail in mind. But our experts did not anticipate that the products we selected would play THAT well. Just a hundred and ten Columbia luminaires lit up the entire 8,500-square-meter area inside the logistics center! Imagine, such a vast space could require up to 2,000 different luminaires. However, Columbia pendant lights are not only efficient – they stand out from other industrial luminaires with a really appealing design. Leddex also designed and implemented the facade and flag lighting of the Delamode Baltics logistics centre. For this, we used two types of powerful outdoor floodlights – we lit up the facade with Nimbus and the flags – with Enna. We are glad to have helped one of the largest international cargo transportation companies in the Baltics! This project is proof that quality luminaires guarantee lower costs.

Surely you too are looking for solutions that work? Then the answer you need is lighting design. Contact Leddex, just give us a call today, and we will take care of all lighting matters.